Angela Lambert

Portrait painter

Portraits of people & pets from your photos or mine

My portraits begin with a selection of photographs. I spend time with you, taking photographs in a number of locations, usually in your home. When I am satisfied I have enough to work from, I go back and study the images, before printing one or two to use as reference for the final portrait.

I can work from your photographs, if they are good enough, which makes it very easy for me to paint portraits of anyone, anywhere.

I 'draw' with my paintbrush, so sometimes the first or even second draft isn't as I want it to be. I always need to get a feel for the piece as I paint, and once I have it, the work flows well.

Each portrait can take forty or more hours to produce. I paint with gouache on smooth watercolour paper. I am happy to advise on and arrange framing.

I'm based in Marlborough, Wiltshire.

+44 (0)7595 02 1667

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